Thursday, May 9, 2013

Taoism vs. Buddhism in Japan

How did Taoism and Buddhism influence each other in the first millennium (1 C.E. - 999 C.E.) in Japan?

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Religions in East Asia and South Asia

How is Buddhism tolerated in China and India in the 21st Century?

Technology in South Asia and East Asia

How has technology helped South Asian and East Asian nations improve their status compared to the western powers?

Natural Resources in Africa and Southwest Asia

How do natural resources affect both the economies and governments of both African and Middle Eastern countries, particularly Nigeria and Congo(Kinshasha) and Iraq, in contemporary society?

Imperialism in Congo and Indochina

How did advancements in steam power allow imperialism to spread deeper into the Congo and Indochinese regions in the late 19th century?

Genocide in Central Asia and Europe

How did racial discrimination provoke genocide in Central Asia and Europe during the 20th century?

Christianity and Protestants in Europe

How did Christianity and Protestants affect Europe during the crusades between the 11th and 13th centuries?

Genocide Consequences in Africa and Central Asia

What consequences have materialized as a result of the Rwandan and Armenian genocides of the 20th century?

Effects of the Berlin Conference

How did the Berlin Conference of 1884 affect Sub-Saharan Africa and Europe throughout the twentieth century?

Mistreatment of Women

How have women been mistreated and deprived of their rights in South Africa and China between 1800-2000 A.D.?

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Islamic Influence in Middle East

How is Islamic leadership in Pakistan and Afghanistan affecting western relations with the area today?

Gender Discrimination in South Asia and East Asia

How has female discrimination negatively affected society in Saudi Arabia and Pakistan from the 1950s to the present?

Judaism and Islam Conflict

How does the historic conflict between Judaism and Islam continue to influence current conflicts in The Middle East, specifically between the Israelis and the Palestinians?

Silk Road

How did the Silk Road enhance trade throughout Asia and Europe in 15th century

Refugees in Africa

How have Burundian refugees affected host countries such as Tanzania and the Democratic Republic of the Congo in the 20th century?

Crusades of Europe

Why were the Crusades fought between Christians and Muslims in mid-Europe in 1258?

Conflicts between Islam, Judaism, and Hinduism

Was Islam the reason for all of the conflicts between religions in Asia in the mid 20th century?

Imperialism in Africa, Europe, and East Asia

How did forms of imperialism affect Africa, Europe, and East Asia in the 19th and 20th centuries?

Gender Roles in Southwest Asia and Europe

How are the gender roles played out in India compared to how they are played out in western Europe throughout the late 20th century and early 21st century?

Damian Cabrera - Boxer Rebellion R&R

How did European influence and imperialism spark nationalism in South Africa and China from 1899 to 1901 and from 1948 to 1994?

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Historical Question

How did the controdictory view points of opposing religions lead to the Crusades of Europe in 1258?

Historical question

How did Taoism and Buddhism influence each other in the first millennium (1 C.E. - 999 C.E.) in Japan?

Historical Question

How have Burundian refugees affected the host countries offering asylum in the 20th and 21st centuries?

In the 19th century how did religions help build relationships in Europe, the Middle East, East Asia, and Africa?

Diana Nicholas' Question

Historical Question

How did Taoism and Buddhism influence each other in the first millennium in Eastern Asia?

Historical Question

How are the Tibetan Buddhists affected by the Chinese Government wanting to rid of any religions that did not originate in China in present day?

Historical question

How did Christianity and other religions affect Europe during the Crusades between the 11th and 13th centuries?

Historical Question

In the 19th century how has Islam affected religions throughout Europe, Africa, and the Middle East?

Historical Question

How does war affect the health of individuals in present-day Africa?

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Meiji Restoration Reflection

Was the Meiji Restoration a  revolution?  Be sure to support your opinion with evidence from the the fishbowl discussion and other class activities.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Historical Question

Why does the Holocaust steal all of the attention of the American people, and the other genocides still remain unknown?

Sunday, April 14, 2013

China Reflection

We've spent the past week examining the history, culture, and contemporary status of China.  Based upon our studies, describe how contemporary China reflects both continuity and change.  (Hint: Consider our studies of the geography, religions and philosophies, historical developments, the "Chinese Communist Party," and "Tank Man" as you prepare your response.)

Friday, April 12, 2013

Historical Question

How did advancements in technology allow imperialism to spread deeper into Africa in the late 19th century.

Historical Question

Why do some people believe that the French Revolution ended when Napoleon Bonaparte came to power?

Historical Question

With examples, explain why the Roma of eastern Europe outcast and discriminated against in the mid 20th century.

Historical Question

What gender discrimination and inequality problems did South Africa and China face between 1800-2000 A.D.?

Historical Question

How did the Berlin Conference of 1884 affect North Africa and Sub-Saharan Africa throughout the twentieth century?

Historical Question

How did the Rwanadan genocide affect Rwanada and its neighboring countries, specifically Burundi and Conogo(Kinsasha), during the 1990's and the 2000's?

Historical Question

How did imperialism affect African countries throughout the 20th century?

Historical Question

How have revolutions and protests altered Europe's history, starting with the French Revolution and continuing to current day?

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Historical Question

How do historical religious differences continue to influence current conflicts in Europe, The Middle East and Africa?

Historical Question

How did imperialism in China spur nationalism from 1899 to 1901 (during the Boxer Rebellion)?

Historical Question

How did forms of imperialism affect Africa, Europe, and East Asia in the 19th and 20th centuries?

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Nationalism in Africa, Southwest Asia, & South Asia(HQ SAMPLE)

How did nationalism influence the establishment of independent states in Sub-Saharan Africa, Southwest Asia, and South Asia in the 20th century?

NOTE:  This is a SAMPLE posted by Mrs. Friday

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Africa: Perceptions, Historiography, & Imperialism

Over the past several class periods we've examined perceptions and misperceptions about Africa,  geographic and cultural diversity in Africa, the historiography of Africa, and imperialism in Africa.  In a comment to this post, describe how your understanding of Africa has expanded AND identify questions that still need to be answered in our studies.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Geography & Culture of Africa

Characterize the geography and culture of Africa based upon Part A of the Africa regional study.  Be sure to include a thesis statement AND specific details to demonstrate completion and understanding of the activity.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

G&D #4 - Issues of Globalization & Development

After watching, taking notes on, and reflecting on one of the videos, post a reflection as a comment to this post.  In your comment, identify the video you chose and a BRIEF statement of WHY you chose this video.  Then, identify any biases/problems with the arguments presented and explain why this issue is something that should be of concern and interest to the global community.

G&D #2 - Ayiti Reflection

Describe your experience in the Ayiti game.  What have you learned from this activity?  What does it tell us about the state of globalization and development?

Thursday, January 24, 2013

F.I. - Question 53

To complete question #53 on the "Foundations Investigation," select an article from a PRINT issue of Current History.  Your comment should include the following:

  • Cultural Region (Sub-Saharan Africa, Europe, Middle East, Central Asia, East Asia, South Asia, Southeast Asia, Oceania, or Latin America)
  • MLA Citation
  • Concise (no more than 5 sentences) summary that includes a clear thesis statement

F.I. - Question 52

To complete question #52 on the "Foundations Investigation," select an article from a PRINT issue of History Today.  Your comment should include the following:

  • Cultural Region (Sub-Saharan Africa, Europe, Middle East, Central Asia, East Asia, South Asia, Southeast Asia, Oceania, or Latin America)
  • MLA Citation
  • Concise (no more than 5 sentences) summary that includes a clear thesis statement

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Current Events Hints

As you prepare for the first day of school and the current events quiz, I thought it might be helpful to remind you of some of the major news stories from the summer.    Although the list below is not all inclusive, it will be useful to consider the following:
  • Turmoil/unrest in Mali, South Africa, Syria, and Egypt
  • Nuclear development in Iran & North Korea
  • Aung San Suu Kyi & Myanmar
  • US presidential election
  • Violence in Colorado & Connecticut
  • Olympics
  • Israel & Iran
  • Protests in Russia, Egypt, China
  • European financial crisis
  • Mars exploration
  • Supreme Court rulings
  • Tensions between Japan & South Korea; Japan & China
  • Leadership shifts in China, South Korea, Italy
  • Benghazi
  • Fiscal cliff
  • Civil war in Syria
  • Pope tweets
  • Polio controversy in Pakistan
  • Hostages in Algeria
  • Opening of Cuba
  • Venezuela inaugeration
If you feel that I've forgotten any stories that are significant, please feel free to comment to this post.  Don't forget, if you bring a current events "journal" to class on the first day you will be permitted to use this resource for the quiz!

Good luck!